So after some frustrating technical difficulties and an all consuming year studying healthcare at college, I have finally been able to find time to focus on getting the studio back up and running at optimal operation levels. Lionheart Productions is back! So anyone in need of any audio recording, editing or mixing, I'm ready to help facilitate.
The releases I talked about in the last blog entry last year can now be finalised and released. So expect very soon music from my reggae project, Lionheart and an eclectic mix of electronic and acoustic material from Full Cycle Project. All releases will be announced here on this blog and will be available from Lionheart/Bandcamp and Full Cycle Project/Bandcamp
I am also pleased to be starting work once again with Stephen Galvin, who with I had the pleasure to co-produce and record his debut album, Caduceus; Healing Roots (see earlier blog post about that album and its production). Stephen has also has had to put musical endeavour on the back burner while he focused on obtaining a medical degree at college (well done Stephen!) but he is now ready to start work on new material. Looking forward to hearing his new ideas. Also in the pipeline is the spiritual performer Macha, who wants to capture an improvised performance, along with her regular fellow musicians. Live, in the moment recording is always a great challenge and makes a welcome change from the usual multi-tracking, one instrument at a time approach that is now so common in modern audio recording.
To finish up today's blog entry, here is the up to date Lionheart Productions equipment list. Location recording is absolutely possible, though mixing is better achieved in the studio. Have a nice day 😊